About Us

Department of Cyber Security
About Cyber Security

The Department of Cyber Security has extremely experienced faculty each with atleast a decade of teaching experience. The Faculty have a profound research background in the areas of Computer Network and Secuity. The Department offers UG, PG and Doctoral programmes in Cyber Security and in the emerging areas. Center of Excellence Labs have been functioning on cutting edge technologies such as IoT, Cyber Security, Cloud & Fog Computing and Software Engineering. Department faculty are working on the process of obtaining Funded Research Projects from various statutory bodies. Through the MoU with the IBM, the Department is offering a Joint Degree Programme for the students that would further enhance their chances of getting International Placements at Leading MNCs.
​Vision & Mission
We assemble strong, innovative, multi-disciplinary teams to address contemporary and future cybersecurity or privacy challenges faced by government, industry and individuals. Our graduates become leaders in government, scientific, industry and entrepreneurial communities.
The Department will identify and address the grand challenges in cybersecurity and privacy. We will educate and train students and professionals through degree and Research programs.
Focus Areas
Information Security
Internet of Things
Data Security
Cloud Security
Application and Network Security
Innovative Pedagogies
On-demand video lecture streaming
Cloud based tools for online teaching.
Discussion forums for doubts clarification
Course projects towards realizable prototypes.
Skill Development
Coding skills: Programming skills in C, Java, Python (Tensorflow, Keras), OpenCV etc.
Hardware skills: Ardunio, Raspberry Pi Boards.
Soft skills: Hobby clubs
Internships & Placements
Internships in industries
Entrepreneurship cell