About Us
Department Of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Dean's Message
​ML has become a fundamental tool for augmenting the human knowledge, which is an essential part of creation, discovery and innovation. The main goal of the Department is to provide experimental learning opportunities such as hands-on training, project-based courses, research projects and internships which provide a solid foundation to work in interdisciplinary teams that invent the future. The curriculum at the Department of AI&ML at is meticulously planned and continuously updated in way to incorporate the various demands of the IT industry trends. An exposure to real world problems in this era of technology is a must and the every candidate is provided with the right environment to shape into a confident individual having the necessary skill set to fit in any role at the industrial market.
In addition to the curriculum, more emphasis is placed on enriching the students learning, experience by providing value added courses, Application development programs, skill development programs, technical and cultural competitions, Certification courses, Workshops, Hackathon at all levels including state, national and international platforms. Higher Studies is a strongly recommended option for students with research aptitude and the department makes every effort to nurture this by grooming them for a research-oriented career.
We continue on this journey with our commitment to excellence!
The Department of CSE-Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning at Malla Reddy University is strongly committed to impart innovative and quality technical education with high standards. The field of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning is a diverse field which has a significant role in the development of cutting edge technology. The faculty and non-teaching staff of the department is committed to prepare our students by providing the expertise and proficiency in Artificial Intelligence and its related fields needed to thrive in modern society.