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Manuscript Formatting Details for MRU: International Journal of Intelligent Systems
Authors submitting manuscripts to MRU: International Journal of Intelligent Systems are required to adhere to the following formatting guidelines to ensure consistency and clarity in the presentation of their work. Proper formatting enhances the readability and accessibility of your research, contributing to the overall quality of the journal's content.
1. Title and Author Information:
Begin your manuscript with a concise and informative title that accurately represents the content of your work.
Include the names of all authors, their affiliations, and corresponding email addresses.
Clearly indicates the corresponding author with an asterisk (*).
2. Abstract and Keywords:
Provide a structured abstract that succinctly summarizes the research objectives, methodology, key findings, and implications.
Include a list of keywords that best describe the scope and focus of your manuscript.
3. Introduction:
Introduce the research problem, objectives, and the context of your study.
Briefly review relevant literature to establish the research's significance and highlight existing gaps.
4. Methodology:
Describe the research design, data collection methods, and any tools or techniques employed.
Provide sufficient detail to allow other researchers to replicate your study.
5. Results and Discussion:
Present your research findings logically and concisely.
Utilize tables, figures, and charts to visually represent data and enhance comprehension.
Interpret and discuss your results, comparing them to previous research and addressing implications.
6. Conclusion:
Summarize the main findings of your study and their implications.
Discuss any limitations of the research and suggest potential areas for future investigation.
7. References:
Cite all sources accurately and consistently using a standard citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).
Include a comprehensive list of references at the end of your manuscript.
8. Figures and Tables:
Number and label all figures and tables consecutively in the order they appear within the text.
Provide clear and concise captions that explain the content of each figure or table.
9. Equations:
Number and label equations sequentially throughout the manuscript.
Use a clear and consistent format for mathematical notation.
10. Manuscript Length:
Manuscripts should be concise while providing sufficient detail for a thorough understanding of the research.
The length of the manuscript may vary based on the type of submission (e.g., research paper, case study, survey paper).
11. Language and Style:
Write in clear, concise, and grammatically correct English.
Maintain a consistent writing style and avoid excessive jargon.
12. Manuscript Submission:
Submit your manuscript as a PDF file through the online submission system on the MRU: Journal of Intelligent Systems website.
If your manuscript is accepted, you will be required to provide the source files for final formatting.
We appreciate your adherence to these formatting guidelines, as they contribute to the overall quality and professionalism of MRU: Journal of Intelligent Systems. Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please contact our Editorial Office at mrujournal@mallareddyuniversity.ac.in
Editorial Team MRU: International Journal of Intelligent Systems
Manuscript format