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School Of Agriculture
Arun Kumar, K. M., Srinivasa, N. and Honnakerappa, 2022, Impact of feeding activity of yellow mite, Polyphagotarsonemus latus(Banks) on moisture content of mulberry leaf” in Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 10(6): 143-145.
Mahesh Palakuru, Venkataratnam.Ukkurti, Surya Prakash Reddy, Vennela.B, and Tejaswini, 2022. Introduction to Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, ISBN-978- 93-92941-10-8.
Surya Prakash Reddy, Aswini Kumar, Sundar Borkar, and Mahesh Palakuru, 2022, Microbes Derived Biopolymers Role in Sustainable Agriculture, ISBN-978-93-95632-90-4.
Mahesh Palakuru, Anushka, D.R. Gowtham, Rani D, Kavya D, Meghana, Shruhitha U, Pooja P and Brinda G., 2020, Data Acquisition using Epicollect Software Platform. Page: 173-186 254 in the book titled Advances in Agriculture and Allied Technologies. ISBN: 978-93-5570-428-3.
Anusha C R, et al., Genetic variability and interrelationship in maize (Zea maize L.) genotypes for grain yield and yield component characters (2022). International journal of environment and climate change. 12(11): 3264-3271
Sasipriya S, et al., Phenotypic plasticity in morphological traits in Abelmoschus esculentus L. induced by histone deacetylase inhibitor, Trichostatin A., Agronomy, 12:2247, 2022.
Anjali Goud et al, Identification of Iron and Zinc responsive genes in pearl millet using genome wide RNA sequencing approach, Frontiers in nutrition, 9:88438, 2022.
Arun Kumar, K. M., 2023, Therapeutic Applications of Blowfly Maggots, Vigyan Varta SP2: 18-21.
A Text book entitled, “Text book of Protected Cultivation and Precision Farming for Horticultural Crops authored by Dr. A. Ashok Kumar, Eggadi Ramesh and Sindhu. V. was released by Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Dr. V. S. K Reddy at School of Agricultural Sciences on 3rd March 2022.