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UG Program - B.Sc Optometry
Course duration
4-year program (3 yrs Degree + 1 year of clinical training /internship)
By Successful Completion of the Optometry Bachelors program
students will be Skilled enough to:
Correct Refractive Errors and Prescribe Glasses
Design and dispense of Contact Lenses
Assess subjects with Low vision, Binocular Vision & dispense appropriate Aids
Perform Comprehensive evaluation of the health status of eye and visual
system and detect ocular, associated systematic and neurological disorders
and referral of patients to the specialists at appropriate stage
Utilize the latest technology in the diagnosis of ocular anomalies including
Visual Field Devices, Imaging Technology Including Ultrasound and
Retinal Imaging Techniques, Corneal Topography, Electrophysiology.
Diagnosis and Orthoptic treatment of Phoria And Strabismus
Practices Of Public Health And Community Optometry in schools, colleges,
urban and rural areas
Do Optometric Counselling to the patients with hereditary visual defects
Perform continuing Professional Education and uphold legal and ethical
behavior in his/her career.