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Department Of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
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About Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
The Department of CSE- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning has eminent faculty with a blend from Academics and industry. Faculty members are from varied specializations to impart their skill on latest technologies for B.Tech students. Department had MoUs with reputed MNCs such as IBM, CISCO, NASSCOM, Microsoft, Virtusa, Codetantra etc to be in tune with industry developments and requirements.
Department plays a vital role in nurturing students with up-to-date knowledge in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Bridge courses conducted by the department provide opportunities for the students to strengthen the prerequisites required for various courses in the curriculum. It shows keen interest in offering short term/add-on courses apart from the courses in the curriculum, for uplifting the students to meet the growing needs of the industry. Workshops, Bootcamps, and hand on sessions are conducted on a regular basis, to put on practice, the theoretical concepts learned in the classrooms. The department frequently conducts seminars and invited talks with the support of experienced resource persons from the industry.
Speed is the motto, time is the constraint and AI&ML is the entity of the era.
Department Vision:
To become a Centre of Excellence in AI&ML, moulding professionals catering to the research and professional needs of national and international organizations and to bring up innovative ideas to solve real time problems through continuous research, innovation and industry led curriculum.
Department Mission:
To inspire and nurture students, with up-to-date knowledge in AI&ML, ethics, team spirit, leadership abilities, innovation and creativity to come out with solutions meeting societal needs.
Focus Areas:
Deep Neural Networks
Reinforcement Learning
Chat bots, Virtual Assistants
Speech Technologies
Computer Vision
Natural Language Processing
Robotic Applications
Data Science & Big Data
Innovative Pedagogies:
On-demand video lecture streaming
Cloud based tools for online teaching.
Discussion forums for doubts clarification
Course projects towards realizable prototypes.
Skill Development:
Coding skills: Programming skills in C, Java, Python (Tensorflow, Keras), OpenCV etc.
Hardware skills: Ardunio, Raspberry Pi Boards.
Soft skills: Hobby clubs
Internships & Placements:
Internships in industries
Entrepreneurship cell