About Us

Department Of Data Science
Programs Offered
About Data Science

Welcome to the department of Data Science Malla Reddy University, on behalf of the faculty members, staff, and students the field of Data Science is a diverse field which has a significant role in the development of cutting edge technology. The curriculum at the Department of Data Science is meticulously planned and continuously updated in way to incorporate the various demands of the IT industry trends. An exposure to real world problems in this era of technology is a must and every student is provided with the right environment to shape into a confident individual having the necessary skill set to fit in any role at the industrial market. The excellent infrastructure and the highly qualified faculty with huge expertise in the department lay the foundation for a professional learning experience, and the department ensures a career-oriented future through Industry internships, certification courses, and workshops. Higher Studies is a strongly recommended option for students with research aptitude and the department makes every effort to nurture this by grooming them for a research-oriented career. The members of the department are known for their unmatched determination and academic excellence.
The Department of Data Science and Analytics aims to train students in the rapidly growing field of Data Science, to be a vibrant research hub in this area, and to collaborate with other disciplines to evaluate, analyse, and utilise the vast amounts of scientific, social, and financial data streaming in every second.
The Vision of the department is to produce competent graduates suitable for industries and organizations at global level, and development with Social responsibility.
To Impart Quality Education with social consciousness and make them Globally Competent. To inculcate in the students to pursue careers in industry, academic and research.
Focus Areas
Deep Neural Networks
Reinforcement Learning
Chat bots, Virtual Assistants
Speech Technologies
Computer Vision
Natural Language Processing
Robotic Applications
Data Science & Big Data
Innovative Pedagogies
On-demand video lecture streaming
Cloud based tools for online teaching.
Discussion forums for doubts clarification
Course projects towards realizable prototypes.
Skill Development
Coding skills: Programming skills in C, Java, Python (Tensorflow, Keras), OpenCV etc.
Hardware skills: Ardunio, Raspberry Pi Boards.
Soft skills: Hobby clubs
Internships & Placements
Internships in industries
Entrepreneurship cell
Programs Offered
UG Program
B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science)
PG Program
M.Tech. (Big Data Analytics)
Data Science is a unique area of study and requires a tailor-made approach to fit each field. Data Science program focuses on the emphasis areas that best fit your company and career. The Data Science department's have many strengths that include its high faculty-to-student ratio, state of the art facilities, renowned faculty, strong focus on undergraduate education balanced with leading-edge research, and emphasis on leadership, service, and ethics. Faculty and students often collaborate on projects, working side-by-side with researchers from other colleges and departments across the campus, such as the College of Science and the Departments of Physics and Mathematics. In addition to the excellent faculty and quality research opportunities available through the department, there is a real sense of community and teamwork here.
In the Department, the following areas of research are highlighted under research groups internally, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Cryptography and Network Security, Automata and Compiler Design, Data Structures, Object Oriented Programming, Enterprise Programming ,Big Data Analytics, Data Science, Big Data Optimization, Graph and Web Analytics. Computation which will focus on programming, data structures, computer systems, and methods.
Data Analysis which will focus on data exploration, analysis, prediction, inference and algorithms.
Practice aimed to impart workplace skills, ethical standards, and awareness of data science to date.
UG Research opportunities
Students are involved in research projects in various domains where the faculty are working on cutting edge technology
Online Learning
Codetantra, IBM courses where It deals with designing and developing computer software and hardware processes. Through this course, the students will be able to understand, learn and use different programming languages, networking etc. Many more certifications are planned.