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  • R.Ramanjaneyulu, Surbhi Khirbat, Lakshmi Rawat. (2020). Panic Buying Spreads Faster Than Covid-19 Virus: A Study On Impact of Social Media on Panic Buying During Covid-19 Pandemic, Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research,                     ISSN NO: 0022-1945 (UGC Care)

  • Surbhi Khirbat, R. Ramanjaneyulu, Lakshmi Rawat. (2020). Factors That Enhance In-Store Customer Experience: A Case Of IKEA (India), Malla Reddy University Telangana, India. Science, Technology and Development. Volume IX Issue IX SEPTEMBER 2020.

        ISSN : 0950-0707.

        Page No: 521-532.

        DOI : 20.18001.STD.2020.V9I9.20.34469.

  • Under Review: Rawat, Lakshmi. (2021) Test of Indian Indices Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic: An Event Study Analysis. Finance India."

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